Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Student Edition

Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Student Edition
The official Computer Engineering student organization of the Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines – Pangasinan Chapter at Pangasinan State University.
Adviser : Engr. Khayzelle Cayabyab
Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Region 1 5th Regional Convention, General Assembly and CPE Challenge
November 25-27, 2021 – the ICpeP R1 Regional Convention, General Assembly and CPE Challenge was conducted via zoom meeting. The said activity was organized by the ICpeP R1 officials and participated by different Universities, faculty and students around Region 1.
The Oath taking of the New ICpep-R1 Officers was led by Dr. Desiderio R. Apag III, the ICpep, Inc President and also left an inspirational message to all the participants.
Different competition was prepared by the organizers and actively participated by different representative of Universities. The mechanics of each competition was clearly presented by the committee in-charge as follows; Engr. Nolan F. Castisimo for the Quiz Bowl, Engr. Mariscel L. De Guzman for the Programming, Engr. Hapilen M. Dacasin for the Pitching Competition, and Engr. Vladimir P. Ibañez for the eGame tournament-Mobile Legends. Board of judges was also presented by Dr. Jennifer D. Del Amen.
Pitching Competition, eGame tournament-Mobile Legends, and Programming competition was held on the first day of the event. For the Pitching competition, the participants were Mariano Marcos State University, Urdaneta City University and Pangasinan State University, for the eGame tournament-Mobile Legends, the participants were Pangasinan State University, Mariano Marcos State University, Urdaneta City University and Phinma University of Pangasinan and for the Programming competition under C++ and Java category, participants were Pangasinan State University and Mariano Marcos State University while under Python category, Phinma University of Pangasinan joined the competition together with the two Universities.
Results for the winners under programming and eGame were come out the same day. The Pangasinan State University earned the Champion title for the programming competition under Java and C++ category, and eGame tournament-Mobile Legends while Mariano Marcos State University earned the Champion title for the programming competition under python category.
On the second day of the event, Engr. Lou Benedic Cabanilla Valle, REER and Python Specialist, added piece of knowledge to everyone in the event by sharing her knowledge and experience about Integrating Data Analytics in Design Project. Discussion and answering of questions regarding the topic was successfully done.
After the discussion of Engr. Lou in the morning, the quiz bowl was held in the afternoon which participated by Pangasinan State University, Mariano Marcos State University, Urdaneta City University and Phinma University of Pangasinan. The results of the earned points by the participants were flashed on screen just after the difficult round and the champion was already seen as per their scores obtained during the quiz. The Phinma Phinma University of Pangasinan got the champion title while Pangasinan State University got the 1st runner up.
The Oath taking of the New ICpep-R1 Officers was led by Dr. Desiderio R. Apag III, the ICpep, Inc President and also left an inspirational message to all the participants.
Different competition was prepared by the organizers and actively participated by different representative of Universities. The mechanics of each competition was clearly presented by the committee in-charge as follows; Engr. Nolan F. Castisimo for the Quiz Bowl, Engr. Mariscel L. De Guzman for the Programming, Engr. Hapilen M. Dacasin for the Pitching Competition, and Engr. Vladimir P. Ibañez for the eGame tournament-Mobile Legends. Board of judges was also presented by Dr. Jennifer D. Del Amen.
Pitching Competition, eGame tournament-Mobile Legends, and Programming competition was held on the first day of the event. For the Pitching competition, the participants were Mariano Marcos State University, Urdaneta City University and Pangasinan State University, for the eGame tournament-Mobile Legends, the participants were Pangasinan State University, Mariano Marcos State University, Urdaneta City University and Phinma University of Pangasinan and for the Programming competition under C++ and Java category, participants were Pangasinan State University and Mariano Marcos State University while under Python category, Phinma University of Pangasinan joined the competition together with the two Universities.
Results for the winners under programming and eGame were come out the same day. The Pangasinan State University earned the Champion title for the programming competition under Java and C++ category, and eGame tournament-Mobile Legends while Mariano Marcos State University earned the Champion title for the programming competition under python category.
On the second day of the event, Engr. Lou Benedic Cabanilla Valle, REER and Python Specialist, added piece of knowledge to everyone in the event by sharing her knowledge and experience about Integrating Data Analytics in Design Project. Discussion and answering of questions regarding the topic was successfully done.
After the discussion of Engr. Lou in the morning, the quiz bowl was held in the afternoon which participated by Pangasinan State University, Mariano Marcos State University, Urdaneta City University and Phinma University of Pangasinan. The results of the earned points by the participants were flashed on screen just after the difficult round and the champion was already seen as per their scores obtained during the quiz. The Phinma Phinma University of Pangasinan got the champion title while Pangasinan State University got the 1st runner up.
National CpE Challenge 2022
The National CpE Challenge organized by the national board of the Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Student Edition is an event where the different sectors of ICpEP.SE will compete with one another. Despite of the pandemic, the event still took place and continue its annual rites. The delegates of this event were selected during the ICpEP Regional Convention wherein the delegates of ICpEP.SE PSU Urdaneta Campus competed.
Live Podcast as an event on the Student’s Week of the Pangasinan State University Urdaneta Campus
In partnership with the Supreme Student Council of PSU Urdaneta campus, a live podcast was conducted. The live podcast serves as a gateway to answer all the query of the Computer Engineering students. The ICpEP.SE- PSU UC invited 𝐃𝐫. 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒. 𝐋𝐨𝐩ez who will answer the queries of the students. During this live podcast, a raffle draw took place for the participants of the event. The winners were given a monetary prize.