Program |
Accreditation Status |
Date of Survey |
Validity |
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology major in Web and Mobile Development and Data Analytics | AACCUP LEVEL III Re-accredited | March 28-30, 2022 | April 1, 2022 – May 31, 2026 | |
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics major in Stat, Pure Math, CIT | AACCUP LEVEL III Re-accredited | March 28-30, 2022 | April 1, 2022 – May 31, 2026 | |
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | October 12-16,2020 | Nov. 1, 2020-Oct 31 2024 | |
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | AACCUP LEVEL III Phase I | August 16-20 2021 | SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022 | |
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | October 12-16,2020 | Nov. 1, 2020-Oct 31 2024 | |
Bachelor of Science in Architecture | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | October 12-16,2020 | Nov. 1, 2020-Oct 31 2024 | |
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | October 12-16,2020 | Nov. 1, 2020-Oct 31 2024 | |
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | December 20-24, 2021 | January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2025 | |
Bachelor of Arts in English Language | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | May 22-24, 2018 | June 1, 2018-May 31, 2022 | |
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Filipino and Science | AACCUP LEVEL II Re-accredited | August 16-20,2021 | September 1, 2021 – Augus 31, 2025 |
ABEL Program Accreditation
Tha Bachelor of Arts in English Language Program conducted 3 day Online Accreditation last May 16,17 and 20, 2022 via MS Teams. The opening program was started last May 16, 2022. Present in the Accreditation Rooms were Dr. Honorio L. Cascolan, the Campus Executive Director, Dr. Elizabeth F. Episcope, Dean College of arts and education, Mr, Marvin Q. Corpuz- Chair, English Language Department, Ms. Angeles Emma B. Gacad- Campus Librarian and the accreditation members from the English Language Department and its allied faculty.
Day 1 of the accreditation proper was alloted for document checking while the second day focused on online interviews in the four areas, namely Instruction, Extension, Faculty Development and Library. The English Language Department, together with its allied faculty , have successfully presented their reports and supplied pertinent and necessary evidences.
On Day 3, May 20, 2022, through the university wide closing program, the accreditation-related activites of the ABEL Program have successfully ended. Accreditors of different programs purposively gave their general impressions on the documents and evidences provided.
Accreditors of the ABEL Program are as follows: Dr. Ronnie N. Parica (Overall Coordinator), Dr. Adrian B. Aguilar(Team Leader), Dr. Erlinda S. Jiz De Ortega(Team Member), and Prof. Jecelyn T.Salviejo (Team Member)
The activity ended with a photo opportunity with the Accreditors.
BSIT AND MATH Accreditation
PSU-UC holds Online Accreditation Survey Visit for IT and Mathematics Enhanced Level III. The Online Accreditation Survey Visit was conducted for the programs of College of Computing, BS in Information Technology (BSIT) and BS in Mathematics (BSMath) Enhanced Level III AACCUP Accreditation. As a requirement for the said accreditation level, the BSIT and BSMath programs prepared and submitted 2 copies of the Narrative Profile and the Compliance Report.

The Online Accreditation Survey Visit was conducted at Pangasinan State University – Urdaneta City Campus Commenced on March 28, 2022 at 9:00 am via Zoom Platform. The Campus is headed by its Executive Director, Dr. Honorio L. Cascolan. An audio- visual presentation of the university’s Corporate Video was also presented. Dr. Billy T. Festijo, the Director for Institutional Assessment and Accreditation, led the recitation of the PSU Quality Policy, followed by the presentation of the university and campus officials. Then, the welcome remarks were given by the University President, Dr. Dexter R. Buted. This was followed by the Introduction of the AACUP Accreditation Survey Team per Program, given by Dr. Marcelo C. Gutierrez, Jr, the Vice President for Quality Assurance. For BS Information Technology, the accreditors were Prof. Nancy M. Santiago (Team Leader) and Dr. Jaime P. Pulumbarit(member and Accreditation Coordinator) both from Bulacan State Univsity, while Dr. Analyn M. Gamit (Team Leader) from NEUST and Dr. Corazon M. Cudia from NVSU worked as accreditors for BS in Mathematics. Prof. Jocelyn Salviejo of Ifugao State University was the accreditor in the area of Library for both programs. After the opening program, participants were sent to their respective breakout rooms for interview and review of accreditation documents.
The Online Accreditation Survey Visit Enhanced Level III for the programs BS in Information Technology and BS in Mathematics continues its 2nd day on Pangasinan State University -Urdaneta City Campus on March 29, 2002 via Zoom Teleconferencing Platform.
Four (4) different areas were assessed on each program, namely: (1) Curriculum, (2) Extension, (3) Faculty Development and (4) Library. Faculty members from the College of Computing headed by Dr. Frederick Patacsil have successfully finished the interviews with flying colors.
Accreditors of each area have thoroughly scrutinized, checked and evaluated the provided documents of the departments.
This engagement has showcased the abilities of IT and Math faculty in their assigned areas.
The event successfully ended on March 30, 2022. All members of the College of Computing, with the unending support of the Campus Librarian, Ma’am Angeles Gacad, and our dear Campus Executive Director, Dr. Honorio L. Cascolan, witnessed the closing program at the Accreditation Room. The Coordinator of the AACUP Accreditors, Dr. Jaime Palumbarit, delivered their positive impressions and feedbacks in every area. Certificate of Recognitions were also awarded to the Accreditors for their exemplary effort in checking the documents of both programs. Dr. Marcelo Gutierez, Vice President for Quality Assurance also give his warm message and thanks to the accreditors.