On June 16, 2021, as part of the extension project Computer Literacy Readiness of Students, Parents, and Teachers in VLE in Digital Era, the IT department conducted a training for public secondary teachers of Tuliao National High School on Learning Management System Utilization using Google Classroom and Tools for Effective Conduct of Online Classes. It is an essential part of the project because it will give the participants the knowledge on using Google classroom and the different tools for effective conduct of online classes especially during this difficult times where flexible learning is being practiced in most schools.

The training starting at around 9:00 AM after some technical preparations and registration of the participants. A total of 30 participants from the Tuliao National High School attended the said training. Danny S. Agustin, Principal IV, gave the opening message after the prayer and national anthem through an audio-visual presentation. He thanked the faculty members of the IT department for continuously supporting the TNHS. He shared verses from the bible to set the mood of the event. Mr. Michael E. Acosta emphasized the importance of this activity by delivering the statement of purpose.

Mr. Arni-Rie Tamayo started with the discussion on the utilization of Google classroom such as creating a class, ways on inviting students to the class, join a class, post announcements, adding materials, add topics, creating an assignment and giving feedback, setup grading systems and starting online meetings. He also discussed the tools for effectively conducting online classes with the use of collaboration tools, and reminders on effectively conducting online classes.
The rest of the afternoon was the workshop on how to effectively use different tools for effective conduct of online classes, however, due to internet connection problems, the workshop did not push through, instead, there’s an online workshop slated to be held on the third week of July. Overall, the participants enjoyed the discussion even if the there’s an internet connectivity problem. Awarding of certificates to the participants and the group has a group picture together with the TNHS and IT Faculty members. Mr. Michael Acosta delivered the closing remarks.