Through competence and commitment to achieve excellence in service delivery, the university had earned Maturity Level 2 in the criteria of Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management or PRIME HRM- the flagship program of Civil Service Commission.

To qualify for this award, the agency must meet the four core Human Resource Management (HRM) systems: Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP), Learning and Development (L&D), Performance Management (PM) and Rewards and Recognition (R&R).

On behalf of the PSU family, Dr. Dexter R. Buted extends his gratitude to the Civil Service Commission Regional Office No. 1 for recognizing PSU as one of the ten government agencies in Region 1 to grab the PRIME-HRM Bronze Award.

 β€œTransforming PSU to what it is now, is hugely attributed to the HR performance in creating people-centered leaders who are responsive to the needs of the employees, productivity oriented who waste no time at work just to come up with a well-done output and passion driven who enkindle employees’ desire to improve oneself”, stated by Dr. Buted in his acknowledgement speech.

Dr. Buted also mentioned that PSU is aiming to achieve Maturity Level 3 in PRIME-HRM and the Gold Award in Investors in People.

PSU is the only State University and College (SUC) in Region 1 granted with the said award at the 120th Civil Service Anniversary celebration and awarding ceremony on October 1.

The ceremony can be viewed here: